About Me!


I am Arturo Jose Tirol Magno, a creative individual who embraces self-expression through various forms of art. My passion for art and imagination drives me to explore new ideas and bring them to life through writing, drawing, and painting. My goal is to tell my story and express my individuality, as I believe creativity has the power to inspire and make a positive impact on the world.

Authenticity is the guiding principle in my creative journey. I stay true to my values, my artistic vision, and my voice, without succumbing to external pressures. I believe that my unique perspective is what makes my work special and I strive to create something authentic and meaningful in every piece I create. Whether I am exploring new ideas, experimenting with new techniques, or pushing boundaries, I am always guided by my inner compass and desire to create from my heart.

me and my bibi

I embrace my individuality and do not compare myself to others. The value of my work should be determined by its own qualities and the unique viewpoint it showcases. My creativity is inspired by my personal experiences and inner world, and it is not limited by external expectations or comparisons. I celebrate my individuality, maintain my artistic vision, and let my creativity flourish in its own way.

In my life, I have accomplished several milestones that I am proud of, including developing strong relationships with friends and family, and improving my physical and mental well-being through exercise and meditation. I have honed my artistic skills and started my own tattooing art business, and I am in the process of starting a chicken farm to provide financial stability and independence while using my creativity in new ways.

me and my brother and sister

My goals are centered around career advancement, financial stability, and personal growth. I aspire to develop computer software for businesses and continue to grow professionally. I prioritize my physical and mental health through exercise and wellness practices. In my free time, I enjoy pursuing my hobbies and interests, building a strong social network, and developing meaningful relationships with friends and family.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me!